Turkish classical music by the group Meydan Musiki and the Sema ceremony by
Mevlevi Dervishes (Riga) – 27.09.2019
This day of the Festival features music of the Ottoman Empire and the canonical Sema ceremony, dating back to old times, to foundation of the Mevlevi Order in Konya.
Music, being an integral part of spiritual culture, penetrates and develops in different social layers, where it obtains peculiar features, becomes saturated with attitudes of believers, and bears a sublime note of the Divine presence into this world.
The group of talented musicians from various cities of Turkey, who united specially for the Festival, will play Turkish classical music, Mevlevi music and music of the Ottoman Empire in the first part of the concert, and the audience will enjoy great unique voices, the sounds of the reed flute (Ney), Kudüms and Tanbur. In the second part, following the genuine gentle melody the audience will see the Sema ceremony, which will be performed according to all ancient traditions and canons. Special attention should be paid to the final part. The Heart Song – probably, this is the name for the part that finalizes the solemn ceremony. Singing and music will lead to most secret places of our inner universe and will open the doors to the wonderful garden of the Soul. Healing purity of the mystic melody, rhythm, musical profundity – everything starts pulsing inside at a very high note, in tune with the Universe – this is the moment when consciousness expands and a new understanding of the value and meaning of life comes.